Fitness Innovations Foam Muscle Roller

The Fitness Innovations Foam Muscle Roller is not just for the hard bodies. I, by all means, should know since I’m sitting here typing and trying to keep my belly from hitting the space bar. Riding mountain bikes several times a week for years, I just thought that a soreness in my legs was the norm. I also suffered from a constant lower back pain for years that always liked to flare up on 15-20 mile plus rides and hikes. 

Eno DoubleNest Hammock – Reviewed By John Ozmore

I bought my Eno doublenest hammock on eBay after seeing one set up between the trees at Horseshoe Canyon Ranch rock climbing area near the Buffalo National River in the Ozarks of Arkansas. The comfortable smile of a beautiful girl with her eyes closed bathing in the sunlight and swinging gently in the breeze sold me. I was surrounded by grunts and screams of effort and the occasional curses of falling rock climbers. The surrounding noise was swept into the wind. I
wanted one.

Richland Creek And The Sandstone Castle

Located on the eastern side of the Ozark National Forest sits a relatively modern campground for those that wish to set up camp near amenities. But we are not here to talk about modernized camping, we are here to talk about going back to the Paleozoic Era where cave dwelling takes hold